TenCate geosynthetics enhance the performance and the design life of railway construction structures. After years of traffic loading, railway structures built on cohesive subgrades frequently suffer from degradation affecting the stability and safety of the tracks. TenCate geosynthetics are installed as separation and filter layers in areas where fine soils and groundwater are a problem.

  • Their robust mechanical properties coupled with high water flows capabilities extend the lifetime of the structure.
  • In railway tracks, AR20 is placed between the existing course and the ballast layer to prevent the subgrade from pumping. A soft rehabilitation by a simple cleaning of the ballast is sufficient for more than 20 years. Total structure refurbishment can be avoided in many cases.
  • Between the subgrade and the capping layer TenCate Bidim® S, TenCate Polyfelt® TS and TenCate Rock® PEC improve the bearing capacity thanks to their separation, filtration and reinforcement functions.