European utilities are planning to invest over hundreds of billions US$ in water and wastewater infrastructure between 2016 and 2025.

Europe investment focuses in two key areas: wastewater and pipes – with 61% of spend allocated to improving wastewater infrastructure and the remaining 39% for water infrastructure.

TenCate Geosynthetics are used extensively in construction and protection of water infrastructure systems. Through various geosynthetic applications, TenCate Geosynthetics products provide reliable solutions to create and enhance water management systems.

These applications consist of containment solutions for on-land and offshore marine structures, coastal protection with use of soft and hard armour systems, ground improvement to increase usable land, and vertical grade separation with retaining walls and slopes. The use of TenCate Geosynthetic products not only add value to the overall construction project, but also provide environmentally sustainable solutions.

What kind of infrastructure do you plan to build?

  • Dams & Levees
  • Coastal Protection
  • Inland Waterway Protection
  • Ports & Harbours